Sunday, December 26, 2010


haha still very quiet...everyone is still on vacation...enjoying (=
when I turn what awaits me is a journey...I am attending Institut Sinaran next year...wah...while everyone is still waiting for their result,i already on my way...xD

Opportunity comes every time,is our choice to decide to grab on which one.But we can only chose one...we will lose the others when we made our decision.Those who became successful are those who have made the best decision.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


when there is obstacles infront of you,you need move over it...
you can't predict what will happen,but you can plan and direct yourself...
The effort you put into may not produce the result you wanted,never give up...for "Glory is not even never failing,but rising everytime we fall"
Lastly pray to God,because "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"--Matthew 7:7

WOa!my last minute preparation for computer exam did do the job.Because i didn't do my preparations earlier, i went it nervous and shaking...but when i came out,the minute i touch my result...i was over filled with joy..the feeling that you prayed to God,and you do make your effort to pursue it...And you really get what you wanted...the feeling is UN-explain-ABLE...

Saturday, December 11, 2010


天下无不散之筵席 ,每个人到最后都分离,然后会选择一条路,哪一条路呢?选了你又会如何走下去?每个人会走,但是走到终点的又有多少个?